The world can be a scary place – particularly when the unexpected happens. From political surprises and financial turmoil to natural disasters and terrorist threats, there are countless events that are beyond our individual control. Although it is natural to feel fear and uncertainty in these circumstances, it is essential to take control of your own mind and state, and to do what it takes to get back into the driver’s seat of your own life. This may seem impossible when you’re in the fight-freeze-or-flight state, and you are focusing on “out there”; however, if you really want to free yourself from that fear, there are certain steps you can take that will give you that freedom. No matter how bad it may seem from your current perspective, you have the power to change your experience – regardless of what’s going on in the world around you.
Grab the Rudder While you are allowing yourself to be emotionally affected by the events going on around you, you are like a boat being tossed about by rough seas and weather – going wherever you’re pushed by those outside forces. But there is a rudder – that you can take hold of, and adjust in order to control the direction in which you’re going. You can use that rudder to work with the tide and the winds – to get yourself to where you choose to be rather than where you are sent by default.
Taking Control of Your Own Experience The first, and most important step in taking control of your own experience is to understand that whatever is happening in the world around you is not causing the way you feel. The way you feel is caused by the chemicals in your body – which are controlled by your brain, prompted by your subconscious. For more detailed information on this, read: The Neuroscience of FasterEFT and It’s All About Perception. Have you noticed how some people don’t seem to be affected by the things that scare or worry you? The reason is not that they don’t care; the reason is they have different data in their subconscious that determines what those things mean. Change the data in your subconscious, and you change your experience – completely.
But is it Wrong to Feel Differently About World Events? Feeling upset, anxious, angry or worried about something does absolutely nothing to change it. In fact, all it does is affect the rest of your life in negative ways. If you can change something, that’s great – go ahead and change it; but if there’s nothing you can do physically to change it, the most productive thing you can do is change the way you respond to it. You will be far more productive and successful in all areas of your life if you are able to maintain your focus on what you can change, instead of being focused on events over which you have no control.
How to Make the Changes Think about the event that bothers you, and notice how you know it bothers you. Notice how you feel, where you feel it, and any thoughts that come into your mind. See if you can remember feeling that way in the past. When else have you felt those same feelings (it may not have been the same topic – it could be something completely different, but the same feelings). Now, use the FasterEFT Technique to address andflip those memories and feelings; and then use the Superpower Exercise to replace the fear with unconditional love.
Then, from now on, whenever you find yourself feeling worried, angry, or any other negative emotions, in response to anything, use FasterEFT right then, in the moment, to clear those emotions (remember, you can use Mental Tapping if you’re in public or can’t tap physically for some other reason). It is only once you clear that negative emotional state that your prefrontal cortex (the part of your brain responsible for your cognitive thinking and problem solving) will come back online and will enable you to see things in perspective and make positive and productive choices.