Cutting-edge mindset coaching, specializing in empowering the individual to achieve success in all areas of life, by gaining control over their emotions and changing subconscious limiting beliefs, based on the latest in neuroscience.
The Purpose of The Remmert Method is to Empower the individual to gain complete control over their experiences in all areas of life, quickly, easily, and with love.
The Remmert Method Comprises Three Main Components:
If you think of the results you want to achieve as a destination you want to drive to. Getting from wherever you are now, to wherever you want to be is like driving from where you are, to a destination you want to be in.
The three main components of The Remmert Method are designed to get you from here to there, as quickly, reliably, and effortlessly as possible.
(Developing your driving skills)
If you got into a vehicle, to drive from where you are now, to your desired destination... and you didn't know how to drive, you wouldn't get very far!
One of the main reasons most people don't achieve their goals and the results they want to achieve is: They don't know how to "drive". In other words, they don't know how to control their brain and body, in order to be able to notice the opportunities, make the decisions, and take the strategic actions that will lead them to their goals.
The Superpower (also known as Emotional State Conditioning or ESC) is the Foundation of The Remmert Method. This is the ability to gain complete control over the chemical (emotional) state of your brain and body, so that you're able to live from an Empowered state, and no longer be at the mercy of anything or anyone else.
The Superpower Technique conditions your brain and body, physiologically, to feel good most of the time. Just as a physical training program would condition your body to become stronger and fitter, ESC conditions your brain and body to lower the levels of stress chemicals in your system, and increase the levels of "feel-good" chemicals like endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin.
Gaining Control Whenever you're feeling a negative emotion, the stress chemicals in your system cause blood to drain from the prefrontal cortex of your brain (where you do your cognitive thinking) to the back of your brain. This means that whenever you're feeling a negative emotion, the part of your brain that makes decisions, solves problems, assesses risk, and forms your judgment, is literally offline.
You're effectively trying to drive with the handbrake on!
"Releasing the handbrake" - in other words, bringing your cognitive thinking back online - means lowering the levels of stress chemicals in your system, and increasing the levels of "feel-good" chemicals... which allows blood to flow back to your prefrontal cortex, automatically.
The Superpower technique is designed to put you in control of your brain and body - not only able to bring your cognitive thinking back online on-demand, but to be living in a state that keeps it online most of the time in the first place.
The goal of all techniques in The Remmert Method is to allow you to live in this Empowered state.
(Changing the coordinates in your GPS)
Knowing how to drive is an essential part of getting to your destination... but if your GPS coordinates are still set to where you are now, or where you've been before, then, every time you started heading in the direction of your desired destination, your GPS would be turning you around and guiding you back to the old destination.
The second reason most people don't achieve the results they want in life is: Their "GPS coordinates" are set for the old destinations instead of where they want to go. In other words, their subconscious is keeping them in alignment with old patterns, beliefs, and behaviors, instead of being reprogrammed for the NEW goals and results they want to achieve.
Childhood Memory Transformation (CMT) is a process you can use to identify - and change - old subconscious references, to support the results you want to achieve. For more details on how this works, read: What is CMT?
If you knew how to drive, and your GPS coordinates were set to your desired destination... but every time you came across ugly scenery, or a storm, or a detour, you pulled over, got out of the car and treated that as your end destination... you'd never reach your destination.
The third reason most people don't get to where they want to be is: They keep stopping, getting out of the car, and spending time in the ugly scenery and storms, and wandering around the detours, along the way. In other words, when they encounter challenges and delays, they "buy into" those challenges and delays and focus on them as if that's all there is, instead of staying on route to their destination.
Sometimes the "storms" (challenges) can be very scary, and it can seem like there's no way out. At those times, it's important to put the radio on with your favorite music, as you drive through the storm or detour - or an uplifting audio book - and keep your eyes on the "road" and your focus on your end destination. In other words, when challenges come up that are scary, and it looks like you're not going to get what you want, do whatever it takes to take your focus off the negative and to feel good again. Use the Superpower, watch comedy, listen to music you love, do physical exercise, think of things you're grateful for... until you've come out of that "storm" - all the while, knowing that it will pass, you will come out the other side, and you will reach your desired destination.
Zero Tolerance and all of the other tools and techniques we share for maintaining momentum, continuing to move forward, regardless of what challenges come up - these are designed to keep you going through those storms and detours, until you reach your desired destination.