The Secret to The Secret Wasn’t in “The Secret”!
If you watched the movie, or read the book “The Secret” you will have had an excellent introduction to the Law of Attraction. There was a lot of good information in “The Secret” but there was also a crucial piece missing. If, like me, you spent hours visualising, feeling as if you already had what you wanted, using a vision board and affirmations, and basically following every piece of advice from the experts on the LOA… and you found that your results were either hit-and-miss, or nothing at all, here’s the missing piece. And this is the piece that has enabled me to break the block that seemed to be preventing me from moving forward.
The key is that the universe is responding to what you hold … BUT it is responding to what you hold in your subconscious, not to your conscious efforts. If you want a new house, and you visualise and imagine being in that house, and you feel as if you already have the house… but you have a subconscious reference that you don’t deserve a new house, or that it would be stressful to move – or any other negative record – it is that reference that will be determining what you’re creating and attracting into your life, not your vision board or visualisations.
From birth, the subconscious is interpreting experiences and filing that data as records to refer to for all future experiences. In other words, each experience you have from birth onwards is filtered through the meanings that have already been assigned to previous experiences. It’s how we learn to survive in our environment; but it’s not based on truth. These references are based on our unique perspective of reality, not reality itself. It is these records that form the “evidence” for our unique version of reality; and this unique version of reality that forms the foundation of our subconscious beliefs. These beliefs cause our perspective, actions, communications, feelings, “blocks”, resistance, electromagnetic signature, and what we are creating and attracting into our lives.
We are consciously completely unaware of most of these records, what they are and where they came from; however, if you are experiencing anything in your life that you do not want, there will be a record in your subconscious that is causing that problem. Fortunately, you do not need to know what it is or where it came from, all you need to do, in order to change it, is use the FasterEFT technique, along with the Superpower exercise. These two simple techniques will help you to change the original records that are blocking you from receiving your desires. And once those records have been changed, there will be no stopping you!
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