When I was first starting to change my subconscious programming, by changing negative childhood memories, I was so fed-up with the pattern of struggle in my life, that I decided to use "Zero Tolerance". I figured that in order to get the biggest, fastest changes, I would need to be hyper-vigilant, and consistent. I attribute a big part of the amazing results I've experienced in using this technique - to my practice of "Zero Tolerance". I made a commitment to myself: At the slightest sign of negative thoughts or feelings, I would do whatever it took to change my focus to something that felt good - BEFORE the negative feelings grew! "Nipping it in the bud".
The Purpose of "Zero Tolerance"
The purpose of Zero Tolerance is to ensure that the emotions don't become overwhelming. When we don't address something right away, in the moment, the emotions build and build because the conscious mind continues to find reasons for the feelings, and that perpetuates the feelings (as the lymbic system responds to the thoughts with more of the matching chemicals) - this makes it harder to address that issue, and sometimes even impossible.
The subconscious prompts the brain to trigger the organs to produce chemicals.
The chemicals cause sensations and feelings.
The conscious mind automatically looks for reasons for the sensations and feelings.
The thoughts about the reasons create more of those chemicals....
And so, it becomes a vicious circle - with increasing amounts of stress chemicals being pumped into the bloodstream - intensifying the effects of the fight-freeze-flight response. This makes it harder and harder for the conscious mind to see reason (with the prefrontal cortex of the brain shut down in this state), and therefore you are less likely to use the powerful CMT techniques to address the issue, and are more likely to go with old coping skills and repeating patterns of limiting or detrimental emotional and physical behavior.
How to Use "Zero Tolerance"
1. If the emotions are not overwhelming, and you have time in the moment, notice the feeling, and then think back to where you've felt it before (earliest if possible), remembering that it may not be the same circumstances but will be the same feeling. For example, the early memory of guilt may not be to do with missing a deadline - it could be something completely different, but will be the same feeeeeling. :) Then, use the CMT techniques to change that early memory.
2. If the emotions are too strong, do whatever it takes in the moment to pull yourself out of them: physical exercise; music; watching or listening to something funny; etc. Visit our Emergency Stress Relief page for more ideas and inspiration. Then go back to the issue later, when the emotions aren't so strong (but make sure that you do go back to it - that will make the difference between just burying it inside you by distraction, and actually getting rid of it ;) ).
3. If you can't think of a memory in that moment, just notice what's there in the moment. In this case, just notice how the guilt feels, where in your body you feel it, and if there are any words or phrases that come to you. Then, use the ESC Memory Changing Technique until it changes to positive. While you're going through this process, you may find that memories do come up (in which case you can then change them), but if not, don't worry - just keep using the technique until the feeling changes. Your subconscious is still doing the work in the background! ;)
4. If you can think of a memory, but don't have time to address it in that moment, make a note of the memory (just a word or two to remind you later) - I would recommend putting it in an alarm in your phone for later when you'll have some time. Then, do Option 3 above. Then, later, go and address that original memory.
Let me know if you have any questions, or need clarification on anything. :)
Love (unconditional, as always) Odille
For more information on how subconscious programming is created, how it affects everyday life, and how to change it: